Fast Rescue Craft FRC702

The FRC 702 is the litt­le sis­ter of the FRC903, same high qua­li­ty mate­ri­als and out­fi­ting only a smal­ler boa­t with a smal­ler price…

This is only a example what we can do in this range,our ran­ge of alu­mi­ni­um ves­sels lend them­sel­ves to tre­men­dous amounts of cus­to­mi­za­ti­on. we can start with a basic hull and easi­ly chan­ge the length, beam, cabin lay­out, deck con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, etc. to suit customer’s indi­vi­du­al requi­re­ments. Our expe­rien­ced team of naval archi­tects  can quick­ly modi­fy exis­ting hulls or cabins to suit customer’s par­ti­cu­lar needs whi­le mini­mi­zing cost.

A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties. They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat insti­tu­ti­on, and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re environments.

The FRC 702 / Fast Res­cue Craft  702 is desig­ned and equip­ped to per­form the fol­lo­wing services:

- fast res­cue boat,
– man over­board boat (mob),
– safe trans­fer of per­son­nel and equipment.

Design by Pie­ter Meu­ze­laar, DSMG


Length over­all: 7.80metres
Maxi­mum Beam: 2.90metres
Beam (hull): 2.20 metres
Draft: 0.50 metres
Weight: 3.1 ton
Fuel capa­ci­ty: 180 litres
Per­for­man­ce: 33 knots
Acti­on radi­us (full power): 3.5 hours
Crew:  3 + 12 rescued
Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H111
Sin­gle installation:

Engi­nes: 1x Steyr SE266E40 SOLAS, 190 kW (258 PK)
Reduc­ti­on: 1x ZF63 (red. 1.25:1)
Water­jets: 1x Ultra UJ251