Fast Patrol Craft FPC903

A Fast Patrol Craft (FPC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small naval ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for coas­tal defen­se duties. They may be ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons navy, coast guard, or poli­ce for­ce, and may be inten­ded for mari­ne (blue water) and/or estu­a­ri­ne or river (brown water) environments.

They are com­mon­ly found enga­ged in various bor­der pro­tec­ti­on roles, inclu­ding anti-smug­gling, anti-pira­cy, fis­heries patrols, and immi­gra­ti­on law enfor­ce­ment. They are also often cal­l­ed upon to par­ti­ci­pa­te in res­cue operations.

They may be broad­ly clas­si­fied as Insho­re Patrol Crafts (IPC’s) and Off­sho­re Patrol Crafts (OPC’s).

Design by Pie­ter Meu­ze­laar, DSMG



Length o.a.: 9,30 m.
Length cwl.: 8,30 m.
Beam o.a. incl. fen­der : 3,00 m.
Beam Hull: 2,80 m.
Draft at cwl: 0,60 m.
Weight ful­ly loa­ded (4 crew): 5200 kg.
Speed tri­al con­di­ti­on: 33 knots
Crui­sing speed: 25 knots
Ran­ge at full power: 200 nm
Max. pos­si­ble Nr. of  res­cued per­sons: 35 pers.
Crew: 4 pers.
Fuel Tank volu­me: 560 tr.
Fresh water: 30 ltr.
Engi­nes: 1x Yan­mar 6LY2A-STP Solas, 324KW(440HP)
Reduc­ti­on: 1x ZF280
Water­jets: 1x Hamil­ton HJ292