Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard FDC 1003 – Davit Laun­ched Fast Res­cue Daugh­ter Craft – HYBRID READY.


Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard have star­ted the devel­op­ment of a new chap­ter, davit laun­ched boats. Our FDC 1003, is a Fast Res­cue Daugh­ter Craft to be used in the Oil & Gas Off­sho­re mar­ket, ERRV (Emer­g­en­cy Res­pon­se and Res­cue Vessel).


This Fast Res­cue Daugh­ter Craft is com­ple­te­ly desig­ned in-hou­se at Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard with our own Naval archi­tect and engi­nee­ring team.

The FDC1003 is desig­ned and built in accor­dan­ce with the latest Solas LSA rules.

Together with the sup­plied DNV cer­ti­fi­ca­te, 1A HSLC R2 Ser­vi­ce nota­ti­on, the FDC 1003 has a wide ope­ra­ti­o­nal pro­fi­le, also due the com­ply to the latest MCA 280 & ERRVA & WMO rules and regulations.


Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard opti­o­nal pro­vi­de an eco­no­mic fuel saving advan­ta­ge, the boat can be out­fit­ted with a twin hybrid instal­la­ti­on and the­re­fo­re is ful­ly sustai­na­ble. Spe­ci­al atten­ti­on has been given, that the boat can also be upgra­ded at a later sta­ge, wit­hout chan­ging the main components.

The hybrid sys­tem has been posi­ti­o­ned such, that it won’t impact the cen­tre of gravity.


The FDC 1003 does have a big and flus­hed aft deck to pro­vi­de a safe and good wor­king area for the crew. To sup­port the crew and their res­cue mis­si­ons or night ope­ra­ti­on, Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard does pro­vi­de two inte­gra­ted search­lights under the bow fender.

This does pro­vi­de the crew a much bet­ter and safer hand­ling of the boat in the most extre­me wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. With the wide door ope­ning, our users can posi­ti­on a stret­cher insi­de the wheel­hou­se. Opti­o­nal this FDC 1003 can be out­fit­ted with a toi­let and was­hing sink.



‑length over­all (LoA) 10.47 m
‑bre­adth overall:3.42 m
‑draft, approx: 0.65m
‑height lif­ti­ting point: 3.45m

-air draught maxi­mum (anten­nas down) :2.84m

-weight lights­hip DIESEL: 5250kg

-weight maxi­mum load DIESEL: 6800kg

-weight lights­hip HYBRID: 6210kg

-weight maxi­mum load HYBRID: 7760kg



-  2x Steyr SE236E40, total power 340KW
– 2x Trans­f­luid HM560, total power 40KW
– 2x Gear­box ZF68
– 2x Water­jet Hamil­ton HJ241


– max. speed (die­sel) >25kn
– ran­ge (crui­se) >100NM



-  Crew: 2
– Res­cue: 12


Sea Sta­te: 5 for ope­ra­ti­o­nal use, 6 for sur­vi­val – com­ply to WMO



-Hen­rik­sen main quick relea­se hook and painterlinehook

-Hea­vy duty clo­sed cell foam fen­der from Fen­der Innovations