BN264 Van Wijk class “6” KNRM MARKEN

The Van Wijk class is the new jus­ti­fia­bly “pri­de” of HABBEKE SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. 4 ves­sels are orde­red by  Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM The new Van Wijk class can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in the dange­rous seas around The Nether­lands. In 2020 the design of the well known Valen­tijn class was modi­fied; by making the boats slightly lon­ger, a lar­ger work deck at the stern was cre­a­ted and the wheel­hou­se pro­vi­des more com­fort to the crew.

The Van Wijk class is desig­ned by W. de Vries Lentsch and Gaast­meer design

The­se ves­sels are built accor­ding to the standards and rules of Lloyds accor­ding the Grey boat code

Deli­ve­ry for 2025



Length over­all: 11.50m
Length of hull: 10.83m
Maxi­mum Beam (over the tubes): 4.10m
Beam (hull): 3.59m
Draft: 0.70m
Weight: 10 ton
Fuel capa­ci­ty: 1270 liters
Per­for­man­ce: 35 knots
Acti­on radi­us (full power): 6 hours
Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H321
Engi­nes: 2x Vol­vo-Pen­ta D6-440, 2x440hp
Reduc­ti­on: 2x Twin Disk MG 5062SC (red. 1.71:1)
Water­jets: 2x Hamil­ton HTX30
Launch Method: Carriage/afloat