BN185 PI-65 Patrol vessel

The  PI-65 is a Coas­tal and Off­sho­re Craft,  that is tac­ti­cally sized, and is desig­ned to be a high­ly relia­ble com­ba­tant craft capa­ble of ope­ra­ting from land or mari­ti­me plat­forms. The gene­ral mis­si­on of PI-65 is to pro­vi­de the ope­ra­ti­o­nal com­man­der a capa­bi­li­ty to per­sis­tent­ly patrol in shal­low lit­to­ral are­as beyond shel­te­red har­bors and bays, and into less shel­te­red open water out to and past the Depar­tu­re Sea Area (DSA) , and to safe­ly ope­ra­te in “Beaufort 10” or less sea and asso­ci­a­ted wind con­di­ti­ons, for the pur­po­se of for­ce pro­tec­ti­on of friend­ly and coa­li­ti­on for­ces and cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re. Mis­si­on pro­fi­les inclu­de patrol of Mari­ti­me Pre-Posi­ti­o­ning For­ces (MPF) and Joint Logis­tics Over The Sho­re (JLOTS) ancho­ra­ge and mar­sha­ling are­as, High-Value Asset (HVA) ship­ping escort, and tac­ti­cal surfa­ce mobi­li­ty for Visit, Board, Search, and Sei­zu­re (VBSS) ope­ra­ti­ons, Cri­ti­cal Infra­struc­tu­re Pro­tec­ti­on (CIP), Mari­ti­me Inter­dic­ti­on Ope­ra­ti­ons (MIO) over­watch, The­a­ter Secu­ri­ty Coo­p­e­ra­ti­on (TSC), and Secu­ri­ty For­ce Assis­tan­ce (SFA).


L.O.A.: 65‘                                                                         (19.825 Mtr.)

Beam:  21’ 10”                                                                (6.659 Mtr.)

Draft: 3’ 10”                                                                    (1.169 Mtr.)

Displacement: 79,366 Lbs.                                    (36 Mt.)

Fuel Capacity: Maximum:  3,823 USG            (14,474 Liter.)

Fres­h Water Capa­ci­ty: 421 USG                        (1596 Liter.)

Esti­ma­ted Ran­ge (Approx.): 8271 NM @ 7–10 Kn,  1031 Nm @ 23 Kn,  830 Nm @33 Kn, Flan­k Speed Est. >40 Kn

Con­struc­ti­on Material :

All wel­de­d mari­ne alu­mi­num throug­hout wit­h “Alustar” 5059 hig­h strength alloy, Lloyd’s certified.