BN163 Arie Vis­ser class Koning Wil­lem 1

The ARIE VISSER class is an all-wea­ther ves­sel that can sail under any cir­cum­stan­ces. In years when the KNRM gai­ned expe­rien­ce with the lar­ger RIBs, showed that the radi­us of acti­on of this class was too limi­ted. It was the­re­fo­re deci­ded to build a gre­a­ter vari­a­ti­on of Johan­nes Fre­de­rik, the Arie Vis­ser class. The Arie Vis­ser has a total fuel capa­ci­ty of 6100 liters, the boat pro­vi­des a ran­ge of sixteen hours at full power. The fuel is spread over four tanks. The boat has a length of 18.80 meters, the lar­gest of this type life­boat ‘Rigid Hull Infla­ta­ble Boat (RHIB)’ in the world. The ves­sel is self-alig­ning in the event of capsi­zing. The boat is used under all wea­ther conditions. On board is the most modern com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and navi­ga­ti­on equip­ment instal­led. Inclu­de radar, satel­li­te navi­ga­ti­on, video­p­lot­ter, VHF, Nav­tex, mobi­le pho­ne and mobi­le pho­ne. Around the boat is a Pre-wet­ting sys­tem instal­led that the boat in a water mist shr­ouds to with­stand heat in case of emer­g­en­cy at a burning ship. The boat is equip­ped with a small fire extin­guis­her sys­tem. Life­boat type Arie Vis­ser could take 120 res­cued aboard.

Queen Bea­trix chris­te­n­ed the life­boat King Wil­li­am I on Novem­ber 11, 1999  The bap­tism took pla­ce during the offi­ci­al anni­vers­a­ry cele­bra­ti­on of the 175th anni­vers­a­ry of the KNRM.

HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD has buil­t  the­se lar­ger vari­ants of the RIB life­boat drawn up by the archi­tects Wil­lem de Vries Lentsch in asso­ci­a­ti­on with the KNRM


Length over­al­l                                     18.80m

Length of hul­l                                      18.00m

Maxi­mum Beam (over the tubes)        6.10m

Beam (hull)                                          5.04m

Draft                                                     1.03m

Weight                                                  28.3 ton

Fuel capa­ci­ty:                                       6100 liters

Per­for­man­ce                                        34 knots

Acti­on radi­us (full power)                     16 hours

Mate­ri­al                                                Alu­mi­ni­um H321

Engi­nes                                                2x MAN D2842 LE413, 735 kW at 2100 rpm

Reduc­ti­on                                             2x Rein­tjes WLS 334 KA reduc­ti­on ratio 1,645:1

Water­jets                                              2x Hamil­ton 521 B


Class ABS Mal­te­se Cross A1 Launch AMS (with nota­ti­on “offshore res­cue boat” )