
As soon as you step on board the Alu Rib 8.0 F the time of a gre­at expe­rien­ce begins. You enter an alu­mi­num Rib which unpre­ce­den­ted inte­ri­or spa­ce through the use of D‑shaped air cham­bers. It is an alu­mi­num boat that can take a bea­ting and able to res­pond to extre­me wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. This boat is built in all res­pects for tough jobs. The­re is an inde­struc­ti­ble fen­der around it. This foam-fil­led fen­der can­not lea­k­a­ge and ensu­re that the boat is beco­me uns­in­ka­ble. The enti­re insi­de of the boat is coa­ted with a non-slip coa­ting. If you go with almost 100 km / h over the water, the adre­na­li­ne comes naturally.


Dimen­si­ons: 7.75x2.50x0.40 m.
Mate­ri­al: Aluminum
Engi­ne (s): 300hp Yamaha
Cate­go­ry: CE C

Many extras including:
Ray­ma­ri­ne 12 inch plotter,
Ray­ma­ri­ne VHF (VHF 49E),
Ray­ma­ri­ne radar HD,
Ray­ma­ri­ne i70 instrument,
radio CD player,
400L fuel tanks and Ull­man joc­key seats.