BN195 Woest Fier

BN195 Woest Fier WOEST Raw Hybrid 8.8 A dou­ble ended, alu­mi­ni­um launch (spits­gat­sloep) with the under­wa­ter design of a speed­boat. Powe­red by a Hybrid Volks­wa­­gen-Mari­­ne 6 cylin­der 265HP TDI motor, capa­ble of attai­ning a top speed of 30 knots, yet able to motor silent­ly through the canals. The stur­dy hull sha­pe and beau­ti­ful teak works are…

BN194 Crewtender KRVE62

BN194 Crew­ten­der KRVE62 A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and per­so­nal. A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheel­hou­se. This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with…


BN193 ALU RIB PRO Expe­rien­ce As soon as you step on board the Alu Rib 8.0 F the time of a gre­at expe­rien­ce begins. You enter an alu­mi­num Rib which unpre­ce­den­ted inte­ri­or spa­ce through the use of D‑shaped air cham­bers. It is an alu­mi­num boat that can take a bea­ting and able to res­pond to extreme…

BN192 Youngster Rescue

BN192 Young­ster RSQ The Young­ster RSQ, is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties.  They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, or life­boat insti­tu­ti­on, and are inten­ded for inland envi­ron­ments.   The Young­ster RSQis desig­ned and equip­ped to per­form the fol­lo­wing ser­vi­ces: – fast res­cue boat, – man overboard…

BN191 FPC903 Ghana Police

BN191 FPC903 Gha­na Poli­ce   A Fast Patrol Craft (FPC), also known as Swift Boat, is a rela­ti­ve­ly small naval ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for coas­tal defen­se duties. They may be ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons navy, coast guard, or poli­ce for­ce, and may be inten­ded for mari­ne (blue water) and/or estu­a­ri­ne or river (brown water) environments.…

BN190 FPC903 Ghana Police P1

BN190 FPC903 Gha­na Poli­ce P1   A Fast Patrol Craft (FPC), also known as Swift Boat, is a rela­ti­ve­ly small naval ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for coas­tal defen­se duties. They may be ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons navy, coast guard, or poli­ce for­ce, and may be inten­ded for mari­ne (blue water) and/or estu­a­ri­ne or river (brown water)…

BN189 Crewtender KRVE61

BN189 Crew­ten­der KRVE61 A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and per­so­nal. A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheel­hou­se. This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with…

BN188 Woest Too

BN188 Woest Too WOEST Raw Hybrid 8.8 A dou­ble ended, alu­mi­ni­um launch (spits­gat­sloep) with the under­wa­ter design of a speed­boat. Powe­red by a Hybrid Volks­wa­­gen-Mari­­ne 6 cylin­der 265HP TDI motor, capa­ble of attai­ning a top speed of 30 knots, yet able to motor silent­ly through the canals. The stur­dy hull sha­pe and beau­ti­ful teak works are…

BN187 Closed Valentijn 2000 class CITRO

Clo­sed Valen­tijn 2000 class The Rigid Infla­ta­ble Boat (RIB) con­cept is appre­ci­a­ted more and more all over the world and their pur­po­se and tas­ks have been sig­ni­fi­cantly exten­ded. HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD has fur­ther devel­o­ped the VALENTIJN class RIB into a mul­ti­pur­po­se ves­sel for eva­cu­a­ti­on, ambu­lan­ce ves­sel, inspec­ti­on ves­sel and crew or pilot ten­der. The lar­gest devel­op­ment is…

BN186 Crewtender KRVE60

BN186 Crew­ten­der KRVE60 A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and per­so­nal. A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheel­hou­se. This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with…