BN142 Valentijn class KNRM Donateur

BN142 Valen­tijn class KNRM Dona­teur The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in the…

BN141 Valentijn class KNRM Annie Jacoba Visser

BN141 Valen­tijn class KNRM Annie Jaco­ba Vis­ser The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and ability…

BN140 Valentijn class KNRM Adriaan Hendrik

BN140 Valen­tijn class KNRM Adri­aan Hen­drik The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in…

BN139 Valentijn class KNRM Beursplein 5

BN139 Valen­tijn class KNRM Beurs­plein 5 The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in the…

BN133 Valentijn class KNRM Valentijn

BN133 Valen­tijn class KNRM Valen­tijn The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in the…