BN185 PI-65 Patrol vessel

BN185 PI-65 Patrol ves­sel The  PI-65 is a Coas­tal and Off­sho­re Craft,  that is tac­ti­cally sized, and is desig­ned to be a high­ly relia­ble com­ba­tant craft capa­ble of ope­ra­ting from land or mari­ti­me plat­forms. The gene­ral mis­si­on of PI-65 is to pro­vi­de the ope­ra­ti­o­nal com­man­der a capa­bi­li­ty to per­sis­tent­ly patrol in shal­low lit­to­ral are­as beyond…

BN184 Crewtender KRVE59

BN184 Crew­ten­der KRVE59 A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and per­so­nal. A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheel­hou­se. This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with…

BN182 Crewtender KRVE58

BN182 Crew­ten­der KRVE58 A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and per­so­nal. A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheel­hou­se. This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with…

BN181 Closed Valentijn 2000 class Woodside

BN181 Clo­sed Valen­tijn 2000 class The Rigid Infla­ta­ble Boat (RIB) con­cept is appre­ci­a­ted more and more all over the world and their pur­po­se and tas­ks have been sig­ni­fi­cantly exten­ded. HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD has fur­ther devel­o­ped the VALENTIJN class RIB into a mul­ti­pur­po­se ves­sel for res­cue, eva­cu­a­ti­on, ambu­lan­ce ves­sel, inspec­ti­on ves­sel and crew or pilot ten­der. The largest…

BN177 Valentijn 2000 Caister Lifeboat

BN177 Valen­tijn 2000 Cai­ster Life­boat The Dut­ch built Valen­tijn, which slas­hed res­pon­se times by more than half, repla­ced The Ber­nard Mat­thews life­boat, which had been going to the res­cue of sea­fa­rers off the coast of Gre­at Yar­mouth for 12 years. Coxs­wain Paul Wil­lams put the boat through its paces during three days of tri­als in Hol­land. He…

BN176 hybrid canalboat “Heerenjacht”

BN176 hybrid can­al­boat “Hee­ren­jacht” Hol­land is wet!  And up until the ear­ly 1900’s, the “trekschuit”, a shal­low draf­ted bar­ge with a cover­ed cabin, was one of the most relia­ble methods of trans­port along the canals and water­ways that lin­ked the towns, vil­la­ges and cities of North Hol­land. The­se ves­sels were built to dif­fe­rent standards of…

BN175 Van Dam Nordia 55ft Cruiser

BN175 Van Dam Nor­dia 55ft Crui­ser Buil­ding a alu­mi­ni­um hull for a Van Dam Nor­dia 55ft Crui­ser Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons: Length                           16,80m Length water­li­ne     14,50m Wid­th                             4,85m Dept­h                             2,40

BN174 Valentijn 2000 KNRM Paul Johannes

BN174 Valen­tijn 2000 KNRM Paul Johan­nes The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the “pri­de” of HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and a for the Cai­ster Life­boa­t  The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and ability…