Main­tenan­ce / Refit
  • Tech­ni­cal refits and maintenance
  • Inte­ri­or rebuilds
  • Alu­mi­ni­um hull exten­si­ons and remodeling
  • Sys­tem updates


The bea­ting heart of each ves­sel is in the engi­ne room and tech­ni­cal spa­ces. Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard is spe­ci­a­list in com­plex refits and main­tenan­ce pro­jects. Regu­lar main­tenan­ce, repair and repla­ce­ment of machi­ne­ry and equip­ment. This work is car­ried out at our yard.


Elec­tro­nic sys­tems onboard ves­sels, such as navi­ga­ti­on and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sys­tems, audio/video equip­ment, inter­net, also requi­res regu­lar upda­tes to keep pace with the count­less new fea­tu­res on offer. Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard main­tains excel­lent rela­ti­ons with all well-known sys­tem manu­fac­tu­rers, allo­wing us to offer you the latest upda­tes and models. From a full turn­key inte­gra­ted appro­ach to sup­ply­ing mecha­ni­cal instal­la­ti­on assis­tan­ce, we have the solu­ti­ons you require.

Lifeboats Stad Amsterdam

Repair pilot vessel

Refit CVV

Refit Combat Support Vessel

Refit Valentijn class