BN216 Sloep “VOLT”

Koning van de grach­ten, baas van de zee. Dit nieu­we ont­werp van een 10m (!) sloep is waan­zin­nig. Elek­trisch varen door de stad met 5km/u en snel varen op het open water met 60km/u. 20 men­sen aan­boord? geen pro­bleem. wake­boar­den? geen pro­bleem. Super mooi gebouwd en afge­werkt. Type: Razend Leng­te: 10 mtr Breed­te: 3 mtr Diep­te: 0,8 mtr Motortype:…

BN214 RWS RR Griend

Boei­en­leg­ger Rijks­wa­ter­staat RR Griend Build as sub­con­trac­tor for De Haas Maas­sluis Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons: Length over­all: 9.66 met­res Maxi­mum Beam: 3.46 met­res Beam (hull): 3.30 met­res Draft: 0.30 met­res Weight: 4.5 ton Fuel capa­ci­ty: 200 lit­res Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H111 Engi­ne: Steyr SE196E35 (190hp) Gear­box: ZF 45C Water­jet: Ala­ma­rin AJ245

BN213 FRC903 twin VRZ Veiligheids Regio Zeeland

BN213 FRC903 twin VRZ Vei­lig­heids Regio Zee­land FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties.They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast…


BN212 FRC903 twin KNRM FRC903 Fast Res­cue Craft A Fast Res­cue Craft (FRC), is a rela­ti­ve­ly small res­cue ves­sel gener­al­ly desig­ned for search and res­cue (SAR) duties. They are usu­al­ly ope­ra­ted by a nati­ons coast guard, off­sho­re indu­stry, or life­boat institution,and are inten­ded for inland and off­sho­re envi­ron­ments. The FRC 903 / Fast Res­cue Craft 903…

Superyacht Multitender 730

The Mul­ti­ten­der 730 is spe­ci­al­ly built and desig­ned for the pur­po­se as super yacht­ten­der / work­boat Length: O.A 7,30 m Length: D.W 6,60 m Beam: 2,60 m Free­board: 0,75m Maxi­mum draft: 0,55 m Mini­mum draft: 0,45 m Dis­pla­ce­ment: max 2,2 t Fuel Tank volu­me: 200 ltr. Crew: 2 p Guests: 8 p Height: 1,95m/ 1,50 (with opti­o­nal til­ting con­so­le) Speed: 35knots Model: Mul­ti­ten­der 730…

BN211 Multitender 730

The Mul­ti­ten­der 730 is spe­ci­al­ly built and desig­ned for the pur­po­se as super yacht­ten­der / work­boat on board of the SAMAX Length: O.A 7,30 m Length: D.W 6,60 m Beam:  2,60 m Free­board: 0,75m Maxi­mum draft: 0,55 m Mini­mum draft: 0,45 m Dis­pla­ce­ment: max 2,2 t Fuel Tank volu­me: 200 ltr. Crew: 2 p Guests: 8 p Height: 1,95m/ 1,50 (with opti­o­nal til­ting console)…

BN210 Habbeke R6 patrol

For a Euro­pean ten­der of the Dut­ch Poli­ce we have built this R6 Patrol ves­sel. With a spe­ci­al “Fen­der Inno­va­ti­on” fen­der, Spe­ci­al seats and a 90hp Hon­da, it’s a solid work­boat on the water. Cate­go­rie 2 LOA: 6,00m Beam: 2,20m Engi­ne: Hon­da 90hp Total weight: 950kg Top speed: 64km/h

BN209 Valentijn 2016 KNRM

BN209 “Edith Gron­del” KNRM The VALENTIJN is jus­ti­fia­bly the“pride” of HABBEKE SHIPYARD’s buil­ding pro­gram. Seven­teen ves­sels have been com­ple­ted and deli­ve­r­ed to the Roy­al Nether­lands Sea Res­cue Insti­tu­ti­on KNRM and one for the Cai­ster Life­boat The VALENTIJN can res­cue up to 50 peo­p­le and has shown her worth and abi­li­ty in the dangerous…