HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD has been buil­ding ships for almost 50 years; and has been using alu­mi­ni­um sin­ce 1969 when they pro­du­ced a 15.4 meter alu­mi­ni­um hull for a motor­boat. Desig­ned for an Ame­ri­can owner by John Alder, this was one of the first of its kind and led to the wharf con­cen­tra­ting upon using this metal. Today, HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD builds exclu­si­ve­ly from this material.

The Dut­ch Alu­mi­ni­um Cen­tre offers their pres­ti­gious, and high­ly sought after, “Annu­al Alu­mi­ni­um Award” to an indu­stri­al play­er who has demon­stra­ted excel­lent work­mans­hip and appli­ca­ti­on. HABBEKÉ SHIPYARD won this pri­ze in 1994 when the Beach Laun­ched VALENTIJN Life­boat was selec­ted as the win­ning entry. The boat was jud­ged first in both the ini­ti­al and final jury rounds and named as an “example to the indu­stri­al sector”.


Aluminium button

Ir. Lex Keu­ning, a mem­ber of the jury and a mari­ti­me expert from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Delft gave the jury’s ver­dict as … “an excel­lent example of how func­ti­o­nal design using all types of alu­mi­ni­um can be pro­du­ced as it should be …and abo­ve all, (the boat) is built by dedi­ca­ted crafts­men. An example to the rest of the branch”.

The VALENTIJN is desig­ned by W. de Vries Lentsch (de Rijp) and is based upon the ear­ly design work of the life­boat desig­ner David Stock­ton (from the UK). David Stock­ton was one of the ear­lier spe­ci­a­lists in the design and appli­ca­ti­on of RIBs.

The­se ves­sels are built accor­ding to the standards and rules of the Ame­ri­can Bureau of Ship­ping (ABS X A1 HSC.AMS)