We are usually asked about:

How to update the theme?

All our the­me upda­tes are avai­la­ble in your ThemeForest.com pro­fi­le for free: sim­ply redown­load it in “Downloads” tab.

At the first step we advi­se you to rena­me your cur­rent the­me fol­der to some­thing like: …/wp-content/themes/dt-THEME_NAME-old/. It will help you to save cus­tom chan­ges of the template.

At the next sta­ge you need to install the the­me in the usu­al way.

How to make the theme load faster?

  1. Select “Static CSS” opti­on in The­me Opti­ons » Misc (for Nim­ble, Press­Ma­te and Pure­Press themes).
  2. Instal­l cache plu­gin.
  3. If pos­si­ble, decrea­se size of your images.
  4. Deac­ti­va­te need­less plugins.
  5. Decrea­se num­ber of items (port­fo­li­os, albums, cata­logs, pho­tos) per page.

What cache plugin do you suggest to use?

We would like to advi­se you to instal­l W3 Total Cache plu­gin.

How many pages with slideshow am I able to create?

You are able to cre­a­te as many sli­de­shows as you want! Sli­de­show can be ena­b­led for any page tem­pla­te or post.

Remem­ber you can choo­se which one of them will be set as the Home­pa­ge one by fol­lo­wing: Dash­board » Set­tings » Rea­ding » Front page dis­plays » A sta­tic page (select below) » Front page

Blog page ignores custom page title and settings

Sim­ply do not select this page in Set­tings » Rea­ding as a post page. Regu­lar page with “Blog” tem­pla­te dis­plays a tit­le from the Tit­le field.

Where i can find benefits icons?

The­re are sepa­ra­te fol­der in your the­me down­load pack­a­ge with all png icons used on our demo. You can also find plen­ty of other free icons here: www.iconmonstr.com

How to enable MonsterID?

  1. open “functions PHP”
  2. navi­ga­te to line 765
  3. chan­ge the “dt_validate_gravatar( $comment->comment_author_email )” to “1 || dt_validate_gravatar( $comment->comment_author_email )”

Where can I find full demo content?

This is dum­my for all demo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zgg0dbec15n88ep/the7.wordpress.2013–09-19.xml

Note 2 things:

  1. It’s huge, so we can­not gua­ran­tee you’ll be able to install it.
  2. Ima­ges on demo are copy­righ­ted and you can­not use them wit­hout pur­cha­sing pro­per licenses.

What about themes autoupdate?

At this moment the­mes from The­me­Fo­rest can­not upda­te auto­ma­ti­cally like the­mes from Word­Press libra­ry. (Well the­re is an API and even a rea­dy-made plu­gin for tha­t… but it’s still very raw and bug­gy.) But we are wor­king hard to imple­ment autoup­da­te fea­tu­re in one of the nea­rest updates.

So in order to upda­te the­me, you need to:

  1. bac­kup your cur­rent the­me folder;
  2. rename/delete older ver­si­on of theme;
  3. install newest ver­si­on of theme.

How to disable breadcrumbs

If you want to hide bre­ad­crumbs, please:

Didn’t find the answer?

Duis ves­ti­bulum quis quam vel accumsan. Nunc a vul­pu­ta­te lec­tus. Ves­ti­bulum elei­fend nisl sed mas­sa sagit­tis ves­ti­bulum. Ves­ti­bulum pre­ti­um blan­dit tel­lus, soda­les volut­pat sapien vari­us vel. Pha­sel­lus tri­sti­que cur­sus erat, a pla­ce­rat tel­lus lao­reet eget. Fus­ce vitae dui sit amet lacus rutrum convallis.

Send ques­ti­on


Our skills:

Devel­op­ment 90%
Word­Press 80%
Mar­ke­ting 65%
Pho­to­grap­hy 58%

Key services:

Custom built

Our ran­ge of alu­mi­ni­um ves­sels lend them­sel­ves to tre­men­dous amounts of cus­to­mi­za­ti­on. we can start with a basic hull and easi­ly chan­ge the length, beam, cabin lay­out, deck con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, etc. to suit customer’s indi­vi­du­al requirements.

A personalized approach

At Hab­be­ke Shi­py­ard, we make it our busi­ness to pro­vi­de a per­so­na­li­zed ser­vi­ce, and to do it very well. We value inte­gri­ty and trust in our rela­ti­ons­hips and we recog­ni­ze that the­se traits form a strong foun­da­ti­on for gre­a­ter achievement.

We belie­ve that one size shouldn’t fit all and can tai­lor our appro­ach to:

  • Only cus­tom built ves­sels inclu­ding all wis­hes of the clients
  • Pro­vi­de spe­ci­a­list advi­ce for clients facing spe­ci­fic challenges.
  • The result must also be a user-friend­­ly ves­sel and a mem­ber of the team is also acti­ve after deli­ve­ry, making sure the boat per­forms to the­se pre­vious expectations.

Why Aluminium

Alu­mi­ni­um is wit­hout ques­ti­on the most well repu­ted mate­ri­al for the con­struc­ti­on of robust work­boats. A rela­ti­ve­ly lar­ge craft built from alu­mi­ni­um will be ligh­ter and stron­ger than if it whe­re built from fiber­glass. Mari­ne gra­de alu­mi­ni­um has such high impact resis­tan­ce, that our ves­sels can with­stand a col­li­si­on that would serious­ly dama­ge other (fiber­glass) ves­sels. Mari­ne gra­de alu­mi­ni­um also has excel­lent cor­ro­si­on resis­tan­ce, in most cases alu­mi­ni­um boats will last up to 50 years in the harsh salt­wa­ter envi­ron­ment. Alu­mi­ni­um is by far the lowest main­tenan­ce mate­ri­al that could be used for boat manu­fac­tu­ring. Alu­mi­ni­um does not rust or rot. Resi­du­al valu­es for alu­mi­ni­um boats are high – making over­all cost of owner­ship low.