Closed Valentijn 2000 class

The Rigid Infla­ta­ble Boat (RIB) con­cept is appre­ci­a­ted more and more all over the world and their pur­po­se and tas­ks have been sig­ni­fi­cantly exten­ded. HABBEKE SHIPYARD has fur­ther devel­o­ped the VALENTIJN class RIB into a mul­ti­pur­po­se ves­sel for eva­cu­a­ti­on, ambu­lan­ce ves­sel, inspec­ti­on ves­sel and crew or pilot tender.

The lar­gest devel­op­ment is the clo­sed wheel hou­se and lon­ger ves­sel that makes the ves­sel more com­for­ta­ble and pro­vi­des more shel­ter. The ves­sel has 16 seats and 4 stret­chers. It’s a cate­go­ry A ves­sel and self-righ­ting that makes it an ‘all wea­ther boat’.

The first ves­sel of this type is used off­sho­re Mau­re­ta­nia, Afri­ca, as res­cue and eva­cu­a­ti­on ves­sel by Woodside/Petronas,

Second as res­cue ves­sel by the CITRO at Cur­acao (link )

The­se ves­sels are built accor­ding to the standards and rules of the Ame­ri­can Bureau of Ship­ping (ABS X A1 HSC.AMS).



Length over­all: 12.00 m.
Length of hull : 10.96 m.
Maxi­mum Beam (over the tubes): 4.10 m.
Beam (hull): 3.52 m.
Draft: 0.70 m.
Fuel capa­ci­ty: 1400 L.
Per­for­man­ce:  Max. 38 knots
Acti­on radi­us (full power): 7 hours
Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H321 alustar
Engi­nes: 2x Vol­vo-Pen­ta D6-435 Solas, 320KW(435HP)
Reduc­ti­on : 2x Twin Disk MG 5050SC (red. 1.71:1)
Water­jets: 2x Hamil­ton HJ322
Gene­ra­tor: 6.5 KVA Brand to choi­ce owner
Air­co: 5kw, 17.000 BTU
Launch Method: Carriage/afloat


Overview/proposal of the elec­tro­nics and elec­tro­nic equip­ment Valen­tijn 2000 class:

2 x VHF DSC, Icom 505
Direc­ti­on Fin­der, Rho­the­ta RT-500‑M
Sim­rad 3G broad­band scan­ner, 12″ TFT moni­tor, Sim­rad NSS12 EVO2
Elec­tric chart sys­tem, 12″ TFT moni­tor, Sim­rad NSS12 EVO2
Depth soun­der, Airmar
AIS, True Heading
Elec­tro­nic com­pass, Simrad
EPIRB, Jotron 45s
SART, Jotron
Water­proofed por­to­foon, Simrad
Wire­less inter­com sys­tem, Dave Clark inclu­ding 4 head­sets & helmets
Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on: Cap­tain, navi­ga­tor, crew, 14 seats, 2 stretchers.
Total sea­ting capa­ci­ty: 18 per­sons + 2 stretchers.
Ves­sel built accor­ding to the ABS rules and regu­la­ti­ons (ABS class A1 HSC, AMS).
CE cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on by ECB, Euro­pean Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Bureau,Stability report
Design cate­go­ry: A, all wea­ther, Ves­sel is self-righting.
Ves­sel fit­ted with fixed fire extin­guis­hers in the machi­ne­ry room (Fire­pro), 3 por­ta­ble fire extin­guis­hers, a pre-wet­ting sys­tem, por­ta­ble fire&salvage pump and hoses.