BN184 Crew­ten­der KRVE59

A robust and pro­ven alu­mi­ni­um Crew­ten­der, for the trans­porta­ti­on of crew, pilots and personal.

A deep V hull and rein­for­ced fen­der, clo­sed main deck and clo­sed wheelhouse.

This pro­ven con­cept of crew­ten­de­ring does alrea­dy years of depen­da­ble ser­vi­ce in the Port of Rot­ter­dam, ships are used to trans­port pilots and staff with a aver­a­ge of 4,000 hours a year per boat. At the moment the­re are five Crew­ten­ders under the flag of the KRVE . This RIB has been spe­ci­fi­cally desig­ned for the rough and tum­ble of the Rot­ter­dam har­bours and is, soldierproof.


Each Crew­ten­der makes some­thing in the regi­on of 100 ‘con­trol­led col­li­si­ons per day” as it deli­vers or col­lects pilots and other crew members.  The fen­der the­re­fo­re has to act as a shock absorber/fender, and resist col­li­si­ons with sharp objects such as bro­ken lad­ders, or steel bolts or pie­ces of rein­for­ced con­cre­te, as well as acting as a buoyan­cy aid to ensu­re that the ves­sel remains aflo­at even if com­ple­te­ly full of water.  Poly-Mari­ne ser­vi­ces, a com­pa­ny spe­ci­a­li­sing in the­se sorts of pro­blems, the­re­fo­re devel­o­ped a spe­ci­al fen­der for the boat.  Using their off­sho­re expe­rien­ce they have pro­du­ced a fen­der with a hard exte­ri­or but fil­led with foam.  This for­mu­la appe­ars to work – tests have inclu­ded dri­ving a fork-lift truck hard into the tube but it remai­ned ful­ly functional.  The ship can the­re­fo­re be pus­hed head first or side­ways against ano­ther surfa­ce with no dange­rous results. In order to maxi­mi­se the safe trans­fer of pas­sen­gers, the boat has a war­med and fen­ced plat­form in the bow.  With the nose of the boat pres­sed against the recei­ving ves­sel, crew mem­bers can step safe­ly from one ves­sel to ano­ther (or from the Crew­ten­der onto dry land). The main engi­ne is a John Deere 12.5 litre 6125SFM75 deli­ve­ring 455kw. The engi­ne dri­ves the water­jet and a num­ber of hydrau­lic pumps for the air con­di­ti­o­ning, water pumps, bow thrus­ters and a 10KVA gene­ra­tor. The com­ple­te hydrau­lic sys­tem has been devel­o­ped by Hydro­ma­ri­ne in Papen­drecht whi­le the ves­sel has been desig­ned by the Wil­lem de Vries-Lentsch mari­ne archi­tects offi­ce, who also desig­ned the fami­ly of alu­mi­ni­um RIB life­boats for the KNRM (Valen­tijn, Arie Visser)




Length o.a.: 10.50 m
Length alu­mi­ni­um hull: 8.95 m
Length cwl.: 7.80 m
Beam over­all, incl. tube: 3.94 m
Beam Hull: 3.10 m
Draft at cwl: 0.70 m
Draft ful­ly loa­ded: 0.75 m
Weight ful­ly loa­ded: 9400 kg
Speed under tri­al con­di­ti­ons: 32 knots
Mate­ri­al: Alu­mi­ni­um H321
Ran­ge at full power: 6 hrs
Crew: 1 pers.
Fuel capa­ci­ty: 560 ltr.
Engi­nes: 1x John Deere 6125SFM75, 455 kW at 2100 r.p.m
Reduc­ti­on: 1x ZF350
Water­jets: 1x Rolls Rocye Kame­wa FF410